Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Labels: india

A few moments from now I would be a few meters away from Suneeta Rao. She will be promoting her music television segment about the "lost" daughters of India. Because of sex selection, they say that 50 million "girls' were either aborted or killed because of the culture's preference for boys. Figures in China, Vietnam and Nepal would bring the figure to 100 million. So who is Suneeta? She is Tollywood's most popular actress and certainly one of the most beautiful women in the world.
Hyderabad Joke
"So I told the priest, if a couple knew about the menstruation of his wife and they still do it, they're committing a sin? If they are menopausal, they are also sinning. The priest left," he said, after another spicy Indian lunch.
So much for dogma and dogshit.
Kama Sutra
Labels: india
Monday, October 29, 2007
Repolyo Republic
Kasama si Shanti, ang anak ni Carol Gamiao!
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Cracked Balut featured the six most frightening foods starting with ant eggs in Mexico (we also have that), maggotty cheese from Italy, fish preserved in lye from Norway, mice wine from Korea and pacha, cooked sheep head from Iraq. Guess what's number one? Altogether now: Balut! Kevin Nadal, bring on da petition.
Labels: strange food

Labels: friendsterism, journalism
Bruce Lee
Labels: martial arts, names
Friday, October 26, 2007

By tomorrow evening, I will be in Hyderabad. Not the center of Bollywood but Tollywood! Girly Man!
Labels: india
Mel's Mailing a Letter
So you think having a letter mailed is easy? Not if you’re in China and you don’t speak Chinese. I’ve been on assignment in Shenzhen for almost two years but I still don’t dare go to the post office. Whenever I need to mail something to Hong Kong, my home base, I ask the front desk clerk at Fraser Place (the serviced apartment where I live), to do it for me. I quickly discovered that this is not exactly a worry-free solution. Check this out:
‘Mail order’ # 1: Express mail to Hong Kong Immigration. I left ¥20 for postage (USD1:¥8). When I came back from work, I was told I needed to pay ¥5 more because my letter was sent by courier.

#2: Express mail to HSBC Hong Kong. This time I left ¥25 for postage. When I came back from work, the front desk clerk gave me back ¥16 because they sent my letter by express mail which cost only ¥9.
#3: Express mail again to HSBC Hong Kong. I left ¥20 for postage. When I came back from work, I was told my letter had not been mailed because a decision needed to be made. According to the courier (which was not the same as the one in #1), if I give the phone number of the addressee, I’ll pay only ¥30; if not, I’ll pay ¥50. The letter was addressed to a P.O. Box so I took the letter back to my apartment, searched for the number of the HSBC customer hotline, and wrote it down on the envelope.
#4: The next morning, I gave back the HSBC letter to the clerk and I also gave her another document to mail - my Income Tax Return addressed to the Inland Revenue Dept of HK. I also wrote down the phone number of the revenue officer in charge of my account on the envelope so that the courier will charge me less. Because this letter was quite heavy, I left ¥100 for both letters. When I came back from work, I was told that the courier picked up my letter to HSBC but in order to save me money, they sent my ITR by ordinary mail…hu-hu-hu
#5: Another letter to HSBC HK. I told the front desk clerk to send it via 1-day express mail. She asked me to leave ¥20. When I came back in the afternoon, she gave me back 18.50 and said ordinary postage cost only 1.50. The letter took a week to reach HSBC but since it wasn’t that urgent, I didn’t make an issue of this latest mix-up.
#6: Another letter to HSBC HK. I’ve had it with Fraser so I asked our project Girl Friday, a local, to mail it for me via one-day express. I gave her ¥10 and the next day she gave me back ¥4 change.
#7: Another letter to HSBC. This time I took it with me to HK and mailed it there. No hassle. All I needed to do was get HK$1.20 worth of stamps from a dispensing machine beside the mailbox.
Labels: china, writing life
Poverty Map Contest
The Peace and Equity Foundation's National Poverty Map is intended as a guide to provide meaningful intervention and partnerships to help poor communities. The first PEF National Poverty Map was done in 2003 where 28 priority provinces were identified. to date, 18 of the 29 provinces (including NCR) have been mapped and the recently updated 2007 PEF National Poverty Map will be launched to the public this December.
To mark this milestone, PEF is conducting a PEF Poverty Map Creative Writing and Photo Essay Contest in line with the 2007 Social Development Week celebrations in December at the Glorietta Activity Center, Makati City.
The contest aims to create awareness and educate the youth on the country's poverty situation. Through creative writing and photography, the youth are given the opportunity to express their learning and appreciation of the prevalence of poverty in the country, as described in the National Poverty Map. Their works will then be used to generate more interest in PEF's poverty reduction programs.
1. The contest is open to all Filipino citizens ages 18 to 25 years old enrolled in any Higher Education Institution.
2. Collaboration between and among two or more people is not allowed.
3. Employees, officers, members of the Board of Trustees and the General Assembly of PEF including spouses, children and relatives up to the second degree of consaguinity and affinity are disqualified.
Contest Categories
1. Creative Writing Contest
2. Photo Essay Contest
The electronic format of the National Poverty Map and entry forms are available in selected colleges and universities and at the PEF area offices and partner organizations nationwide. It could also be viewed and downloaded online at
Contest Theme:
Poverty in the Philippines comes in many faces: faces of sadness, despair, fear, anxiety and perhaps anger for the pain and suffering that people go through. But through the cooperation of community members and with the active involvement of stakeholders, these dull images could be filled with color and life. As the poverty situation in our country is a story filled with the stark contrasts of colors, we face the challenge of creating new faces of hope, excitement, optimism and determination to fulfill the promise of a better and brighter tomorrow. Hence the theme, "Mga Kulay ng Kahirapan, Hamon ng Kinabukasan"
Technical Requirements of the Entries:
1. For Creative Writing Entries:
* Each contestant for the Creative Writing Contest is allowed to submit only one (1) entry form of a short story in Filipino, English or both.
* The entry should not exceed two thousand (2,000) words and should be typewritten or computer printed double-spaced using Arial font size 12 on a standard short bond paper. Only the titles of the entries can appear on the short story or essay.
2. For Photo Essay Entries:
* Each contestant for the Photo Essay Contest is allowed to submit only one (1) entry composed of three (3) digital color photographs in 5R size.
* Each entry must include digital copies of the photographs in a CD. Maximum file size for each photograph is 2MB.
* Each entry must have a title and every photo must have a caption at the back describing where the photographs were taken and what they are depicting. The caption should not exceed fifteen (15) words.
* Each photograph must also be properly numbered to identify the sequence of the entry (eg. 1 of 3, 2 of 3, etc.). The name of the contestant should not appear in any of the photographs.
3. Each entry must be an interpretation or story of poverty in the Philippines using the National Poverty Map based on the theme given.
4. Each entry must be wholly original. An entry found to have committed any violations of applicable laws in plagiarism and protection of intellectual property will be automatically disqualified.
5. No story, essay or photograph that has already been published or publicly distributed by the author may be entered.
6. An entry that qualifies for the finals cannot be published or distributed prior to December 4, 2007.
Submission of Entries
1. All entries should be submitted with duly accomplished entry forms.
2. All entries for submission must include photocopies of the following:
* Current school registration form or Certificate of Registration from the Registrar's Office and;
* Birth Certificate or Baptismal Certificate
3. Entries should be placed in a short brown envelope and can be mailed or personally delivered by the contestant or his/her authorized representative to the PEF National Poverty Mapping Contest Secretariat.
4. Entries that are received by the Secretariat after the deadline must be post marked in order for the entry to be valid.
Screening of Entries
1. Code numbers will be assigned to all entries for purposed of confidentiality.
2. Each contest category will have six (6) finalists which will be determined by the contest categories' respective Screening Comittees.
3. The decision of the Screening Committee is final and binding.
Criteria for Screening and Judging
With the creative interpretation of the PEF National Poverty Map being foremost in mind, the criteria for each contest are as follows:
For the Creative Writing Contest:
1. Substance and Originality: 40%
2. Writing Style, Composition and Organization: 40%
3. Use of PEF National Poverty Map Data: 20%
For the Photo Essay Contest:
1. Relevance to the Theme: 25%
2. Composition: 25%
3. Creativity: 35%
4. Use of the PEF National Poverty Data: 15%
Board of Judges
1. A Board of Judges will choose the winners from among the 6 finalist for each contest category.
2. The judges' decision will be final and binding.
Prizes and Awards:
1. Each of the six (6) finalist for each contest category will receive individual certificates.
2. One (1) Grand Prize Winner will be chosen for each contest category. The Grand Prize Winners will receive a TROPHY and a PEF DEVELOPMENT ENCOUNTER PACKAGE for TWO which includes:
* Roundtrip Airfare/Ship or Bus fare to any of the 29 PEF Priority Provinces
* Free lodging
* Pocket Money (Php 1,000 per day/person)
3. The remaining five finalists will receive Consolation Prizes consisting of brand new cell phones with Php 1,000 worth of load.
4. Other outstanding entries worthy of recognition may be given special awards. These special awardees will be chosen by PEF.
5. All prizes are not convertible to cash and must be availed of within 90 days after the contest finals.
Important Dates:
Official Contest Launch: October 08, 2007
Deadline for Submission of Entries: November 16, 2007
Announcement of Finalists: November 26, 2007
Announcement of Winners: December 4, 2007
For more information, please contact the nearest PEF office.
Labels: eventologist
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Top Vampire Movies
11. Bram Stoker’s Dracula (1992)

10. Cronos (1993)
9. Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust (2000)
8. Dracula: Pages from a Virgin’s Diary (2002)
7. Near Dark (1987)
6. Horror of Dracula (1958)
5. Martin (1977)
4. Black Sunday (1960)
3. Nosferatu the Vampyre (1979)
2. Dracula (1931)
1. Nosferatu (1922)
Kohei Yoshiyuki

Labels: martial law, nostalgia, soft porn
Lapis (Laz)Uli

And then here's an example of a pencil whose "lead" is made from a dead person's cremains (cremated ash). Only about 200 pencils can be made from an average cremains. Good for writers.

Then here's a screw pencil where you just pass the screw through the pencil. You must be very bored to have this.

And The Pessimist Pencil. What's the point indeed? What's the point of sharpening when everything is useless. Haay! Gotta have that.

Labels: writing life
Staple Center

There are times when you feel like stapling anything at all (papers, lips, lives, fingers) but is too emphatic or sensitive about the outcome. I give you your virtual stapler.
Then you can take off the staples with this oh-so-real dino staple remover
Labels: diversions, writing life
Labels: journalism
I am Amelia Earwax
Game N Watch

Hahaha. If I counted all the eggs I saved, I could have raised the protein level of all Filipinos at that time. My neighbor, on the other hand, stalled everyone one morning when she set the record for Octopus. Was in their restroom upon going to school and she can't stop. She was late. The whole family was pissed. But the only thing that was important was she set the record.
"They laughed when I said I was going to be a comedian.
Labels: words
Reminder for Barangay Officials: It's Your Face

Voters can judge a politician's competence in the blink of an eye—or so they think they can, a new study suggests. Previous research hints that voters go for the most competent candidates, but the new analysis reveals people can forge steadfast opinions simply by glancing at a candidate's picture. The study highlights some of the shallow behaviors of a sizeable chunk of the voting population, said co-author Alexander Todorov, a psychologist at Princeton University. "People are looking for the right information about a candidate, they're just looking in the wrong place," Todorov said. "We're seeing that snap judgments play a bigger role in voting than we thought." The study's findings are detailed in the Oct. 22 issue of the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Labels: campaigning
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Gerry et al

I added Gerry Alanguilan's blog as well as those of Roland T, Mutts, Kapeng Mainit, Jerz and Illustration Art. Also I have a CBox so you can post messages while I'm away in India. Hay naku, as an example of hindsight, I am only now putting labels in my blog. I am still 1/10th of the way.
Labels: cartoon
Larry Cruz
When we were in Larry Cruz's private resort in Magalang, Pampanga, I eyed this old menu with the revisions done. Larry owns the best restaurants in Malate and you can see the changing culinary taste of the Manilenos leafing through these old menu.
Labels: nostalgia, strange food
Makes Love Just Like a Woman
I just can't fit
Yes, I believe it's time for us to quit
When we meet again
Introduced as friends
Please don't let on that you knew me when
I was hungry and it was your world.
Ah, you fake just like a woman, yes, you do
You make love just like a woman, yes, you do
Then you ache just like a woman
But you break just like a little girl.
Or maybe I told Choy it is because of this:

Labels: karaoke, music, mutilation

I also learned that there's money in so-called natural pencils, defined as "natural, unpainted variety of incense cedar pencils." Unpainted ones are preferred. One of the natural pencil brands is Mongol but funny because one commented, "I’m skeptical about the Mongol pencils cited here ( and also for sale at Maybe they are fine pencils, but they are manufactured in the Philippines by a company called Amspec Corporation. Their stamping of “EF” on the pencils and their inclusion of the name “Eberhard Faber” on the box is suspicious. Maybe they have a license to do so–I don’t know. What may be a bit of irony is that Amspec itself has suffered from Chinese counterfeiters faking their Mongol pencils!"
This drew a reaction from another: "AMSPEC does indeed have the EF & Mongol Licenses for the Philippenes. They also have Crayola and other licenses for that market. If this pencil is sourced by PencilThings directly via AMSPEC or one of thier authorized distributors then it is likely under proper license agreement. Although I do not know if this license applies to exporting their products to other markets such as the US or not. Mongol and EF remain part of the Newell-Sanford owned marks however they are not used on their US produced pencils any longer. You are absolutely correct that AMSPEC has been under lots of pressure from Chinese counterfeiters in the home market in the Philippenes."
So our Philippine Mongols are their last holdover. And it is ironic that the Chinese Mongols are counterfeit because the Mongols as in Genghis Khan are in China. Mongol was America's Number One pencil until the 1920s so the old Mongols are indeed valuable.

By the way, there is also no "Lapis" brand in the site above. I learned later though that FILA, Italy's top pencil brand, is an acronym of Fabbrica Italiana Lapis d Affini. And that Indonesians call their pencil, lapis, also.
Then this naughty 1957 Mongol ad:

So they indeed calculated in the 1950s that Mongol has 16,230 words in it because the scientific claim was sourced to one blurry laboratory. How long are the words? I calculated that to about 50 pages of almost continuous writing similar to a novel. So Ernest Hemingway (not Hemmingway like how Inquirer spelled it in their article on the beatified priests)msut have exhausted to stumps at least five pencils. This reminds me of "Kilometrico" ballpen and how my best friend Bernardo Abad indeed tried to test if it can wrtie a kilometer long so he drew lines on the paper and he got bored and we never got to the end.
Labels: nostalgia, words, writing life
Monday, October 22, 2007
"What Kind of People Would Do That?"
Labels: gma, ponderables
Power Saving

Korean Street Food (Patatas Naman)

I can not say the same with this another potato-based fried snack. They should call this Extreme Bolitas:

Labels: korea, strange food, weird art
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Cellphone Law
Other laws, actually corollaries of Murphy's Law, are as follows:
Law of Mechanical Repair: After your hands become coated with grease, your nose will begin to itch or you'll have to pee.
Law of the Workshop: Any tool, when dropped, will roll to the least accessible corner, even if it is square.
Law of Visual Probability: The probability of being watched is directly proportional to the stupidity of your act.
Law of the Alibi: If you tell the boss you were late for work because you had a flat tire, the very next morning you will have a flat tire.
Variation Law: If you change traffic lanes, the one you were in will start to move faster than the one you are in now.
Law of the Bath: When the body is fully immersed in water, the telephone rings.
Law of Close Encounters: The probability of meeting someone you know increases when you are with someone you don't want to be seen with.
Law of the Result: When you try to prove to someone that a machine won't work, it will.
Law of Bio-mechanics: The severity of the itch is inversely proportional to the reach.
Law of the Theater: At any event, the people whose seats are furthest from the aisle arrive last.
Law of Coffee Temperature: As soon as you sit down to a cup of hot coffee, your boss will ask you to do something which will last until the coffee is cold.
Law of Lockers: If there are only two people in a locker room, they will have adjacent lockers.
Law of Rugs/Carpets: The chances of an open-faced jelly sandwich landing face down on a floor covering are directly correlated to the cost of the carpet.
Law of Logical Argument: Anything is possible if you don't know what you are talking about.
Brown's Law: If the shoe fits, it's ugly.
Oliver's Law: A closed mouth gathers no feet.
Wilson's Law: As soon as you find a product that you really like, they will stop making it.
Law of Location: No matter where you go, there you are
Labels: bath, coffee, pseudo-physics, thumb rules
"There was a cartoon that appeared on one of the very first issues of Jingle Magazine (yes, I’m that ancient) which featured this nugget of wisdom: ‘Canned Thoughts are better than Banned Thoughts," she wrote.
So, our kanthought has a slightly Martial Law ring to it. Hmmmm
Labels: cartoon, kanthought, martial law, wisdom
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Elvis Sighting at the Glorietta Bombing
(Makati Medical Center, 3 in ICU, 1 in operating room)
Arayon, Maria Isabel (discharged)
Arroyo, Melanie (discharged)
Balendrez, Jerick (discharged)
Bolano, Shirley (discharged)
Burcer, Jeffrey (discharged)
Calope, Christine (discharged)
De Asis, Jennie (discharged)
De la Cruz, Christopher (discharged)
De Leon, Evangeline (discharged)
Dela Cruz, Teresita (discharged)
Enriquez, Carmen (discharged)
Estiller, John Kenneth (discharged)
Estiller, Ma. Generosa (discharged)
Gannaban, Rolando (discharged)
Gonzalez, Alberto III (discharged)
Honopre, Sally (discharged)
Layo, Irene (discharged)
Liwanag, Gerard Florence (discharged)
Monteniz, Grace (discharged)
Orna, Lodevina (discharged)
Pableo, Lailani T. (discharged)
Pamplina, Red (discharged)
Pasamba, Mylene (discharged)
Pascual, John Henry (discharged)
Peregrino, Airish Lou (discharged)
Peregrino, June Lester (discharged)
Pineda, Christopher (discharged)
Punsal, Ailene (discharged)
Racelia, Ma. Cecilia (discharged)
Raymaro, Mary Grace (discharged)
Regachuelo, Gina (discharged)
Reyes, Fely (discharged)
Sampiano, Erwin (discharged)
Santos, Donald (discharged)
Santos, Lady Christine (discharged)
Sapitan, Annabelle (discharged)
Soriano, Angela Marie (discharged)
Talingting, Silvestre (discharged)
Villareal, Ana Patricia (discharged)
Yap, Shiela Marie (discharged)
Tingson, Sheila Mae (forwarded to operating room)
Cañada, Yvonne (from Acute Care Center)
Dunca, Cristina (from Acute Care Center)
Yvonne Kim (from Acute Care Center)
Kim, Haewoon (Rm. 421)
Romasanta, Mia Therese (Rm. 919)
Romasanta, Stephanie (Rm. 919)
Romasanta. Rafael Antonio (Rm. 919)
Marcelo, Maricel (ICU-6)
Escoto, Bodie (ICU-7)
Robinson, Orlanda (ICU-8)
Bajar, Cesaria
Dela Cruz, Sarah Jane
Gallien, Marilou
Garcia, Mabini Jr.
Garcia, May Flor
Magdale, Custodio Jr.
Mappala, Rosalino
Molet, Ma. Corazon
Montenegro, Melvin
Montenegro, Regina
Ong, Roman
Ortiz, Athea Rose
Ramilo, Agnes
Reynaro, Mary Grace
Rodriguez, Wilson
Santos, Josephine
Torres, Irene
But seriously, I Googled the names of the casualties, and Janine Marcos and Rainier Tan have Friendster accountss. Rainier (if he is this) is from Sariaya and a CEU graduate. He was sure to get the job as an ad man. Rainier sounds to be full of hope and confidence. We hope he is not the one as much as we hope no one would die for all these political maneuverings aka terroristic acts. Janine loves anime and started Friendstering only last June. She still has no friends.
Update: It was an older Rainier who died.
Labels: elvis, friendsterism, survivors, terrorism
Yes, This is The Peach That The Monkey Stole

And I will do this to you for not answering my quiz two nights ago.
Labels: martial arts, monkey, quiz

This is also a kiwi:

Perplexed, or as Choy would have it, conundrumized? This is the interconnection:

Labels: animals, fruit, how-to, strange food
Bliss Full of Activities
Shanti and I are just back from an amazing two week stay in Singapore. We attended,along with 3200 others on the Buddhist path, a series of teachings and events of Kadampa Buddhism. We brought back many photos and fond memories which we are happy to share...just ask us when you pop in. Also we are selling this Tibetan sect's book ' Introduction to Buddhism ' hardbound and beautifully produced for 850 pesos only. For every book sold we are donating 350 pesos to the International Temple project of NKT Buddhism.Curious ? Check out the website
Saturday 20 October 6-9 pm at BLISS
An exhibit by five female artists from Manila (Ruth Jacob, Jhoan Medrano, Lady Mendoz, Guia Salumbides and Vanessa Tamayo) There will be food and drinks. The exhibit will be for the benefit of the local NGO S.A.V.E. which stands for Stop the Abuse and ViolencE against women which Shanti and I are proud to be founding members. Members of S.A.V.E. and four of the five artists will be on hand to meet with us.
Sunday 21 October 7:30 pm at BLISS
Sunday night ART film
WEAPONS OF MASS DECEPTION. 98 minutes. A documentary produced in 2004 about the media's role in the IRAQ invasion...thought provoking and well produced.
You have been asking for something AFTER our successful "red rainy rebate" promo we ran from 5/15-8/15 so here it is.
Fact : 85 % of our customers are non vegetarian.
Fact : Many have expressed interest in how to get started.
Conclusion : "My Veggie Day" Program
For : Baguio area residents
Ages : 5 - 95 years old
Those over 95 will be considered on a case by case basis !
Period : Indefinite
So here is how it will work.
* You choose ‘ my veggie day ‘ anytime Monday - Sunday. Sign up with your server…she will give you your ‘ veggie day ‘ card for your future use.
* Every time you dine with us on ‘ your veggie day ‘ you will get a 15 % discount voucher for your bill that day… you can use within a month…any day you like.
What we like about this program ?
Gets you ‘ thinking veggie ‘ at BLISS at least one day a week…that’s good for your body, the environment and the animal kingdom.
Means we will be looking for your smiling face at least once a week !
It costs you nothing to sign up AND saves you 15 % on your next visit AND the first time you use it you get a free BLISS patch….
Labels: food, meditayshun, schedule
Friday, October 19, 2007

Remember that award winning Japanese ad about how your cursor works? Nano-Japanese carrying a huge cursor sign. Well, this is the prototype:

Labels: icon, japan, old photos
Stand Up at Hangar Market
Labels: eventologist, music, pngoc, rh
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Josh Closer
Labels: music, strange food
God Weather

Labels: baguio, god, meditayshun
No Tip Allowed

Labels: animals, ponderables, thumb rules
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Labels: baguio artists, pngoc, rh
Labels: journalism, sirius stuff
Monday, October 15, 2007
Amigo Warfare
If I had to sum up my impressions of America, I would list these: waste, innocence, vastness, poverty. [Michelangelo Antonioni]
Amigo Warfare
Because you seize our land
and call it hope,
because you manufacture desolation
and call it right-of-way. Because
your cavalries cut our children open
to expose their hearts of coal.
Because you send a shining fleet
of your youngest men,
lust still forming in their bones.
Because their bodies rape the bodies
of our neighbors. Because you sleep
soundly through it all.
Because you divide us from our history
and install a thousand checkpoints
in between.
Because you line the streets with bricks
torn down from temples,
because our sleepless gods
wander among the missing.
Because your prophets tell us there's a heaven
but there's no more room.
Because you feed your words
into our language, and now we speak
like strangers to one another.
Because you make our women wear
their nakedness like a gem.
Because you scorch the jungles
with the counterfeit daylight of cities.
Because you intoxicate our rivers.
Because you harpoon all our whales.
Because you teach us how to torture one another
with the simplest of elements,
fire and water.
Because you offer praise and weapons
to our dictators. Because you build blockades
around those who give us strength,
brother, sister, lover, friend.
Because you send your spies out
to investigate our dreams.
Because we dream the dangerous,
in which the world is fertile
with remembering, subversive
with desire. Because the old bury
the young. Because we use our sorrow
wisely, as armaments.
Because you brand our tongues
with silence. Because you watch us
in fear, even while we sing.
Labels: poetry

Cute headlines
As one of your earliest subscribers, I feel that I am entitled to challenge you to run this letter without one of your cutesie-pie headlines,” wrote a guy from San Diego to Village Voice, a New York-based newsmagazine.
VV headlined the letter: FUCK YOU.
Labels: comeuppance
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Father Poem
a poem by Biff Russ
In Egypt, they wrote
On anything –
on the inside of coffins, of eyelids,
on the inside
of their own skin.
They sent their dead on a river of words,
to an afterlife
where everyone dwelled –
the innocent,
and the guilty,
and those who were both.
They took their bodies with them,
And their shadows followed them like children.
Father, you were a bitter man,
But there was grace
In the way you lapsed
Like memory at the end –
Like something
Forgiven. This is my solace –
It is not my body
For which we are released.
It is the soul
Which is lifted from us like a burden.
Saturday, October 13, 2007

Labels: ads, strange food
Ed Maranan

Manong Ed Maranan will be launching his new poetry book, Passage: Poems 1983 - 2006, at the Cordillera Coffee house, SM Baguio, 15 Oct. 2007, at 5 p.m. The Baguio Writers Group will be reading excerpts from the great book and also their favorite poems because it is after all World Poetry Day. A Swedish translation will follow because we are also talking about a potential Nobel Prize winner here.
Labels: baguio artists, eventologist, poetry