Call for Papers for the 1st International Conference on Cordillera Studies at UP Baguio
The University of the Philippines Baguio (UPB), through its Cordillera Studies Center (CSC), will hold the 1st International Conference on Cordillera Studies with the theme "Indigenous Peoples and local Communities in Transition" on 7-9 February 2008 in Baguio City, Philippines. The themeof the 2008 conference is meant to address the significant transformations in the Cordillera region of Northern Luzon, Philippines that change the lives of the indigenous people.
Among the topics to be discussed are:
Indigenous languages
Material culture and oral traditions
Cultural heritage
Natural resource management
Migration and indigenous peoples
Urbanization in upland communities
Identity and representation
Women, gender, and culture
Governance and public policy
Indigenous knowledge systems and practices
Institutions and economic development
Issues in education
Information and communication technology and indigenous communities
Social and political movements
Proposals for individual papers and panels are now being accepted.
Proposals are not restricted to the cited topics. The conference especially welcomes comparative studies and papers that contribute to the debate ontheoretical and methodological approaches to the study of indigenous societies.
Individual paper presenters must submit a proposal containing (a) an abstract of not more than 250 words, (b) a brief curriculum vitae, and (c)contact details (institutional affiliation and mailing address, e-mailaddress, and telephone and fax numbers). Individual presentations should not exceed 20 minutes, excluding time for questions. Organized panels should consist of three to four (3-4) paper readers.
Proponents must submit a panel abstract of not more than 100 words, inaddition to separate proposals for each paper presentation. Each panel isalloted 1 1/2 hours, inclusive of open forum.
Deadline of submission of all paper and panel proposals is 1 September 2007.Proposals can be sent as e-mail attachment (in MS Word format)
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The Conference Secretariat
1st International Conference on Cordillera Studies
Cordillera Studies CenterUniversity of the Philippines Baguio
2600 Baguio City, Philippines
Notice of acceptance of proposals will be issued by on or before 1 October2007 and deadline for the submission of the full paper is 14 January 2008.