Weird Americans

Morality depends on the person and the people. Americans, according to a study, said that excessive drinking is morally wrong (61 percent) but not overeating (32 percent). Because if they say that overeating (the first sin in the movie "Seven" is gluttony, remember?) then almost all Americans are sinners. Also 88 percent said that having affairs is sinful but only 35 percent say the same ons ex between unmarried people. Not reporting all income to the IRS is sinful, according to 79 percent of the respondents. In the Philippines, where almost all do not pay the proper income tax, the result would be very different. These is how they rate the other "sins" :
Smoking marijuana: 50 percent
Homosexual behavior: 50 percent
Telling a lie to spare feelings: 43 percent
Gambling: 35 percent
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